

My Hope for the World

What I wish for the world and for me and for you
Is love, prosperity, joy, peace and harmony, too.

A place of delight where all people are free
To express who they are and be all they can be.

A world filled with hope bright dreams & great visions
Where magic is manifested, we’re all living our missions

And we think about the future and those yet to come
Knowing our choices make a big difference in the long run

An earth that’s preserved in its natural state
Clean water and air healthful food on every plate

Lives that are filled with celebration, song and dance
And every living being is loved and given a chance

Where children are seen as the wise beings they are
Each given encouragement to be a shining star

A world where what matters is people, not things
And the work that we do makes our hearts sing

Where those paid the most are teachers and nurses
And our worth is not measured by the size of our purses

Diversity and differences are accepted with grace
We’re making each community a sustainable place

We can set our intention for this to come true
Take action, move forward and have great fun, too.

© 2001, Jane Norton